Please visit Champion Nutrition by clicking on their logo above

The system: Muscle Nitro, Metabolol Endurance, Revenge Pro, Pro-Score 100

I had never heard of Champion Nutrition until I cam to the United States. At the time their products were not sold in Finland. But during my first year in the United States I very soon noticed that they set the benchmark in Sports Nutrition. At the time their invented Cytomax was the ultimate performance drink. I used it in an uncompromising way. Why use gel packets and such when it would be a huge fuzz on the trails? Gel packets has a disadvantage of not being certain of getting the right amount of fluid at the right moment while consuming during a race. And it is too much of a hassle for me.

Now off course Champion Nutrition has come out with a even more revolutionized product, the Revenge. Like the with the Cytomax I use a 8% concentration and this enables me to avoid dehydration  and deplenished glucose in my body. The Revenge has proven to be the new standard. It is the most effective drink on the market. Fortunately I also enjoy the taste of it. >>>

That is really important when you are craving for energy but don't feel like drinking because your lungs are about to explode, your muscles ache and the terrain is so uneven that it doesn't give much opportunity to drink.

With Revenge it is like you're always looking forward to when you can take the next drink. And you will never miss an opportunity to drink , which is good when you are serious about mountain biking.

Champion Nutrition also makes a lot of other fine products. They have the Metabolol Endurance for pre-performance and the Pro-Score 100 for after work-out. The best thing about these two are that they mix easily with water (unlike many other protein drinks). And somehow Champion Nutrition also made them good tasting. Most other protein based drinks taste like "inappropriate to describe in this text". My favorite flavor of the Metabolol Endurance is Mountain Razzberry. YUM!

I would like to thank Champion Nutrition for their support during my College and Racing years here in the USA. I don't know what kind of performances I would have had without them. Special thanks to Steve Ward who is a true gentleman and at the same time the most effective businessman I have yet to met on this planet.